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Professional Profile & Progression

Show Reel

Personal Statement

 I am currently studying the first year of animation and games design and really keen  on carrying on to the  second year . I will still be focusing on the subject, level 3 animation and games design and  because it is a subject that I really enjoy doing and want further carry on improving my knowledge on the    subject .  I have won a Jack Petchey  and was a complete surprise to me but I'm still determent to carry on studying.


As an artist, I do have  weaknesses but not many. I do keep  try to work on each one individually  at a time. I am willing to get out my comfort zone.  Although one of my weaknesses is written work and I will  keep improving on it knowing that I could write and talk comfortably to others  and written work on my website/blog or portfolio. For next year I also want to be improving my life or any drawing art in general and looking forward into going further in depth into character animations and more into the technical side in getting the best looking and detailed work and more efficient workflow.


Where do I see  myself in the next two years short term goal is to build up a good portfolio from the basics I have learned and maybe study even further. Although I'm a bit indecisive  whether I want to go you university or not but still be possible. In 5 years I see myself as a character animator or a texture artist  or even creating  story concepts at a company such as Industrial Light & Magic. I`m a very ambitious person and always strive to become good at something.  10 years  I will be creating VFX in movies or texturing  characters or models  in scenes.


For the next year, I want to be focusing on texturing and the character animations as well as composition in the shots and overall what I have learnt and built on top of that . I know that in the industry you will be working with a team of people on one project and communication in the most importance and being part of a flown hockey team for 4 years and team building in a way of getting everyone   invested in each other knowing and how to read someone`s movement and when to past the hockey ball. I know once that a team understand each other, every other idea would be clearer to them.

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