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In unit I would have to model something in Maya from real life as a Product Visualisation but the twist is to James Bondifying the object and has to be any old household object, then adding gadgets to it. The object I chose was an Electric shaver although I had another idea like a tool box with more than a few  curve edges and felt too easy to model  so I chose the electric shaver.

The overall shaver was complex shape to model and challenging. The way the shaver was made conforms to the user’s hand making it ergonomic design for easy grip. I had to create some of my own textures with all the scratches on the model and try to keep the colour of the Aston Martin in one of the films.


My first idea was a tool box because I was now sure what I want and that's the first thing that came to mind and wondered how would I make this in a gadget ? When I started to model in MAYA used revolve but did not come out the way I wanted so I just extruded the faces and seemed too easy to model. I used Booleans to take out a proportion of the model but I began to find problems. So now I came to the conclusion i should start with a new idea or continue the model.   


Because of the aero dynamic design of the electric shave I chose to make it a quad-copter or Drone, fitted with mini-guns and mini cannons.  Most drone out on the market are quiet big and makes it hard and less inconspicuous for the user of the gadget.  You do get small drones that are more for entry level people wanting to learn. Drones do come in different sizes and ones used for filming aerial shots or drone racing using a virtual reality headset and could be used by Amazon doing delivery.  


Every drone is designed in a unique way, with either four or eight propellers perpendicular from each other.

For the add on gun for the gadget I decided to go with a tri-barrel mini Gatling gun just because it's a rarely  used design. I came with an idea to make  sharp edge design as it would need less polygons to give a unique look.   


The overall build was complex and achieved by smoothing out edges pressing 2 and editing the vertices to get the correct shape. Making my own texture where a good to adding more detail to the surface of the shaver.   


The MIA materials were the fun bit to use and gave the more realistic texture to metals and the gloss to plastic. The gold on the guns is a copper material and experimented my applying a texture over with marks and scratches and the texture inverted it and gave a really realistic metal look to the metal. The glass was used was a alternative to clear plastic.


Using the HDRI image was a hard to understand but the image is shows as a panorama and perfect for a 3D environment. This was a tricky thing to understand. I tried to close angles but too close made the drone stay in the sky and not realistic enough. I did take screenshots of it on the ground. The image does produce its own light as light is bounced off all the walls and surfaces in the HDRI image.

Image based lighting   Projection image plan

The projection is a flat image taken with a camera. Instead of using a HDRI image that goes around the scene. What I would do is change the camera to a project the image plan of the image I took and try to place the model in away as it would appear in the image as a illusion as if it was there. I tried to take distorted pictures for more interesting angles. I then began to play with light and created a light in MAYA to make hard shadows and to indicate the light of the flash on the phone.  

Here is just a short animation test the drone/shaver is actually just in one spot the camera that moving creates this illusion as if it’s taking off to fly. The HDRI image also plays a role in the illusion, as the camera moves so does the image in the background. This was more of an experiment and seeing what would happen.  

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