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Fire Safety Animation


In this project I well have to create a 2D Fire Safety Animation. The animation well show some sort of fire hazard that could be dangerous  and  harmful, it should also appeal to a younger audients and using adobe flash to produce the 2D animation.


In this safety animation shows a story between two children having fun pretending like they are soldiers in battle an cause a small fire playing with barbeque lighters pretending as if its guns. The two boys panic  and one of the boys run away from the fire and his scarf caught flame. Impy & Misty  appear and they are the little companion/mascots  that help the boys explain what they should do to put out the fire and when your clothing catches flame and to cover your face and stop drop and roll and to always to read the safety instructions.

The animation uses different approaches to the style and art of the animation, making it friendly to children and enjoyable to watch. It is a 2D animation with a mixture of 3D elements. Adding text to when they talk gives a more dramatic edge and making it more important and almost feeling like a comic. The art style is more on the Manga stylised. This makes it more easy because of the less details to the characters and can be time saving.The animation is a bit choppy at time and gives it a more cartoon feel to it. They used voice acting to make it more appealing to the audience.

This is rather a short video and does not have much emphasis on the actual hazard and leaving you more confused then conveying the actual meaning. It simply just person waking up in the middle of a forest finds a bag with matches inside. He takes the matches out and decides to play with them and ends up burning his fingers, dropping the match and causing the grass to catch flame burning the whole forest. The flames become so out of control and a shape of a monster appears about to burn him and rain falling down stopping the fire.

Then animation style is 2D but also being mixed with 3D. The entire environment was 3D and the actual animation is in 2D. The animation is rather choppy as each frame starts to show. It does not seem as the right timing was a factor. The close up of the face in the beginning is a choppy transition smoothly enough and you are able to the amount of frames.  

This is a traditional 2D animation drawn by hand and really well made. The little girl seems to be a little demon being mischief playing with a lighter and repetitively. She gets excited that the lighter is working and show it to her friend. When he sees the flame, he almost seemed frightened and then shoots out his juice box all over her trying to put out the flame.


Rotoscoping is a fun technique film and movie makers use to animate by tracing around the existing video, tracing frame by frame. Rotoscoping is used to make the animation to give more realistic movements making them more fluent.

This is just a test of Rotoscoping is where someone doing freerunning and some of the frames where blurred out and could not see the hands or legs because the person was moving too fast and it seems like 2 frames on one. What did was I drew stretched frames where the arm or leg would be and following the ark in doing so the final result was unexpected and gave a rather interesting effect almost like a blurred and added more speed to the animation and the illusion of it being fast.

My Flash Experiment

Character design

For my character design I wanted to go with something simple, something cartoony mix with a bit of manga styles art. Nothing too detailed Zack is the main character in the short animation.  Zack is never too serious always playful and always thinking about his imaginary friends Joc and wees the fire extinguisher.


I first began to draw out the story board out on paper and originally had about 8 scenes but even then the idea and story was unclear. I then added text to simplify the story. Then redrew it in Flash and changed some scenes around. My idea was to make stylised with different art style from 2D and rotoscoping and even hand drawn. The final would look rather interesting with the mixture.

The final story board I drew on flash just to get a sense of how the animation will play out. Scene one is just going to be text explaining what the main character Zack is doing and the next scene a dream cloud appears symbolise that his dreaming.




The final outcome of the animation was challenge and enjoys everything about this project.  In the animation Zack the main character tires to fine a touch in the beginning to fight the dragon implying that his just playing a game. He then finds a candle and grapes it fast that it slips out his hand. The flame starts taking form of an evil being laughing. Zack starts to watch the fire burn and almost engulfed by the flames showing fear in his eyes. His imaginary friend steps in and extinguished the fire in a quick instant. Then the fire extinguisher starts talking.

  This animation was a challenge I was trying to use different techniques like rotoscoping and I would act out the some scenes and then I would go back to hand drawn on paper. Some animation I seen had a big influence on the final outcome making something dramatic feel to it but also interesting to watch making you almost wanting to see more or can make you think differently.

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