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UNIT 2                Sculpt Villain 


8 Semptember  2015 

Today we did a 30 minute draw in class and we had to get the praportions of the the skull how we would see it on the table. For the 30 minutes we would draw the skill and every 10 minte the skull will be moved i will be drawing it at a different angle, first the back then the side and then the front.


The most hard part of drawing observational is the measuring because you drawing a three dimentional that is physical and has to to been drawn flat. I find it hard but easy but doing a quick drawing can improve my drawing skills because if you doing a observational draw it is best to get the shape of the object first and the detail late on.

I used cross hatching just to identify where the shadows in my drawings of the skull and a thicker outline to make it stand out from the background.


In this image I had Photoshop a head showing the anatomy and learned where the important muscles in the face and neck. It is important to remember how the cheek bone would correspond on the top of the ear and always right at the bottom of the eyes.


This is important because it would make it easy and knowing where the eyes should be placed and ears. There is a muscle under the cheek bone called the Masster which is attracted to the jaw. 

Victoria and Albert Museum

Wednesday 7th October 2015

Today we went on a trip to Victoria and Albert Museum to go see the sculptures that various artists have created and it is detailed. The sculptures are scaled very big and that would allow for more detail. The task we have been given was to find a statues and specifically the head, torso, arm, legs and feet and we had to draw a minimum of 2 drawing each. When drawing the torso and arms we had to think about the negative space while sketching.


In total I have about nine drawings from Michelangelo statue being my first and trying really to get the likeness of the face. My first drawing was not so good I tried to get the likeness but got the measurements wrong but still got some similarities of the head and with my second drawing if captured more of the face of the Figure of a Luohan. I drew the proportions of the torso, arm and legs of The Frog Princess.



Back story

The Corriah twins are brother and sister and they are part of the Ardrents. Ardrents are people that have an evolved gene in them that would allow abnormal or superhuman abilities.


The Corriah twins, Gin and Rana both have the ardrent gene and had been passed down by their father, Gearra who is also the former leader of the evil seven. Gin and Rana are simply casted over by their father`s shadow, tortured and even brainwashed until all of the emotion is drained out and becoming trained mindless killing and feared twins. Their father has pushed them to the point of insanity, but yet they only want their father`s approval and love.


They have been force into a war with no other option but with the help of their father Gearra. The new generation of Ardrents begins a new war and a new seed been planted.

GIN Corriah

Gin is typical hot headed guy that is normally is always appealing to him to fight for self indulgence in conflict. His dark sided (shadow)  powers is powerful but not yet at its full potential , but his powers allow him to control the minds of individual humans or even to do his bidding.  The rage within him is the source of his power and builds up to and extend and becoming more outrageous.


Rana is the opposite of Gin she is more serious teenage girl and will get to the point. She will drive people insane, playing mind games and kill when necessary. With similar likeness of her brother Gin mostly her powers with shadow but she has more control and insane power. Rana is a more unstable than her brother always wanting her father`s attention. She is more likely to lose her sanity if she lost control of her shadow.



The Puppeteer is never seen but seeks the mind of the weak and control the living soul of a being. The victim of the puppeteer will lose all consciousness of themselves. The selected being will be giving supernatural powers but will suffer, decaying from the puppeteers life force and chooses a new victim once the body has been drained from its soul. Puppeteers are a powerful creation in the world of half breeds.


Norck  is a vampire that is born into a the world with no change of living the normal life that he saw day to day , being that he lost his parents at the age of four and ran away of the suffering that the world has create for half breed humans.


He had ran away but yet been caught my low life humans that used him as a test subject, beaten, scared, torn apart by savages but yet kept his sanity in tacked and swore that he will seek revenge on the humans that have made people suffer.

The world that Norck lives in is full of half breed humans, werewolf, vampires, witches and wizards, and the Puppeteers. Norck seeks revenge on the people who would murder half breeds. Neither humans nor half breeds could be trusted; neither can be in this corrupted society where fight is the only way living.


16 September

Today we did in class we had to partner up with someone in class and draw their face and try and get the correct proportions of the face. We only had 10 minutes to draw one another’s face either at portrait or the side of the faces.

I find doing facial proportions hard because I struggle with the eyes on how close or far apart. I do need more practice drawing faces realistically.


In my experiment in Mudbox and just played around with the tools and tried to sculpt a nose only using the sculpt and knife tool and try to define the nose shape.

While sculpting I would used the shift key to smooth out what I have sculpt and using the knife tool to define the shape more.

Here I use the foam tool in muddox to get different odd shapes on the chest of this character and did not like the outcome and I used the smooth his chest to look like scars and preferred the look of the scars

Here i have added more detail by using the knife tool. Using Shift D you can add more polygons to the sculpture  which would make the sculpture more smoother. i then began to add the details to the eyes, scars and mouth of the character and the veins on top of the head. 


My design of my final character is based off a modern day vampire and being that he is half breed he would keep his human like features but different in a way that its unique. He would have the appearance of being evil but yet seem as a joker.  I used references to give me a more human like aesthetic but with minor flaws and imperfections. Vampires tend to be more pail in skin colour and more effectively on making them evil.  



     The Half Breed Human

My final sculpture i designed NORCK that i have illastrated with a roughly with scars all over his face and one eye been ripped out during battle. I used the grab tool to correct the proportions of the face to match up with the illustration. 


Then using the knife tool and sculpt tool to creat the lips and mouth then with the foam tool to sculpt the coth over his head and eye.I wanted my final character full of scars and this is why his lips were not the correct proportions giving it a rather unique look. I used the grab to move his lips and make it to seem and his smiling

I tried using different varieties of methods to add colour to my final character such as the paint brush, dry brush, burn, dodge and projection mapping. The projection mapping i tend to most often because you can add texture with it as well. I used it to project a texture of a cloth over his head covering the one eyes then using the burn and dodge tool to darken and lighten the areas of the cloth where the folds would be. The dry is used as well mostly on points that would have detail like the staples on his lips

The progression through this unit was really enjoyable and learning how to use mudbox and its tools and have for endless creativity. Before actually modelling my final character I had to back story of three characters which I believe to be interesting and a extra character. I did not draw realistic drawings with the correct proportions and drawing manga art style. The first designs would be manga and from there i would change to realistic proportions.  In the final sculpture i done was the lips was not correct but gave it a rather appealing and unique. But i could of perhaps added more detail and colour to the final.

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